What is Diaspora?
It is the movement, migration, or scattering of a people away from an established or ancestral homeland.

Summarise this article?

London's Metropolitan Police chief, Sir Ian Blair, has accused the media of "institutional racism" in its reporting of murders.
He highlighted the difference in coverage of the recent murders of white lawyer Tom ap Rhys Pryce and Asian builders' merchant Balbir Matharu, and said "almost nobody" could understand why the Soham murders had become such a big story.

What is the value of this news site?

- Covers black people issues and topics 
- It is the only British national Afro-Caribbean weekly newspaper operating in the United Kingdom. The paper is based in London and is published every Thursday.

To what extent has the internet changed the relationship between producers and audiences and given way to the resistance of stereotypical representations?
- The internet has changed as everyone has a voice, anyone can comment on different blogs and forums on many topics e.g racism . 
- They can start a conversation
- Goes against stereotypes:
They focus more on black issues you have black journalists and producers
E.g: They can still focus on BR-EXIT but they would focus more on how the black minority would view it.
- The Voice has both Instagram and YouTube presences which allow it to connect with a new audience
- They are less popular, they are starting from the bottom to attract people, they are in competition with big news papers such as The Metro
- Low budget so they need to build revenue 
Unfortunately The Voice has suffered from a lack of investment which affects both the production of material specific to the identity group and the way the identity group identifies with the product. 


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