The Killing Exam Question
Discuss the theories of gender relating to the Killing [20]
- Bell Hook is a feminist theorist and she believes that feminism is for everyone yet women are seen as objects. An example of this is shown in 'The killing' when we see Nana in the beginning being chased in minimal clothing on and doesn't have any shoes on which suggests that she is vulnerable and or a damsel in destress.
-Van Zoonen’s argument is about gender being performative, we see Jessica rehearsing being ‘the good wife’ and the army desperately trying to persuade Brody to perform as the so called masculine hero. The CIA management are male, reinforcing patriarchal power, but the narrative follows the agency of a female protagonist playing the central role of the maverick who is proved right.
Why is The Killing relevant to Hesmondhalgh's theory about cultural industries
Cultural industries is the idea that cultural industry companies aim to minimise risk and maximise audience through vertical and horizontal integration. For example, 'The Killing' helped to increase tourism to Denmark, Sarah Lunds jumper became a trend, The Killing is one example of the popularity and success of Danish television drama which operates under a public service remit. It was not made for a global market, but spread throughout Europe, Australia then the UK, South America and Asia.The use of established genre conventions in both Homeland and The Killing reflects Hesmondhalgh’s view that cultural industries rely on repetition to sell formats to audiences.
- Bell Hook is a feminist theorist and she believes that feminism is for everyone yet women are seen as objects. An example of this is shown in 'The killing' when we see Nana in the beginning being chased in minimal clothing on and doesn't have any shoes on which suggests that she is vulnerable and or a damsel in destress.
-Van Zoonen’s argument is about gender being performative, we see Jessica rehearsing being ‘the good wife’ and the army desperately trying to persuade Brody to perform as the so called masculine hero. The CIA management are male, reinforcing patriarchal power, but the narrative follows the agency of a female protagonist playing the central role of the maverick who is proved right.
Why is The Killing relevant to Hesmondhalgh's theory about cultural industries
Cultural industries is the idea that cultural industry companies aim to minimise risk and maximise audience through vertical and horizontal integration. For example, 'The Killing' helped to increase tourism to Denmark, Sarah Lunds jumper became a trend, The Killing is one example of the popularity and success of Danish television drama which operates under a public service remit. It was not made for a global market, but spread throughout Europe, Australia then the UK, South America and Asia.The use of established genre conventions in both Homeland and The Killing reflects Hesmondhalgh’s view that cultural industries rely on repetition to sell formats to audiences.
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