‘Music Videos are a tool that use media language to create representations about artists'. Discuss with reference to your two close study products
'Music videos are a tool that use media language to create representation about artists'. Discuss with reference to your two close study products A music video is a video which is accompanied with music. Music videos are another way of promoting and marketing musical performers. This is reinforced through editing, narrative, sound and Mise en Scene. There is a clear connection between the music and the images as every time MJ takes a step on the pavement the tile he steps on lights up following the beat. - This is a metaphor for how MJ is the star of the show and lights up the world. The Music video starts off in black and white with the detective, but as soon as MJ steps in, it changes to colour, with a sturdy camera movement we see MJ from feet, to legs, to face to help build up his presence. Ironic, the detective we see his face straight away the the camera makes its way down to his feet even though the detective isn't the main focu...